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Strategy Consulting - Operations Consulting - Management Training - Coaching -


Root to Fruit

At Orchard Street Solutions we are environmental experts. The environment is the workplace, and our goal is to help grow strong roots that produce good fruits. We help companies value employees as much as customers, recognize human skills on par with hard skills, and nurture sustainability, growth, and success through process management and company culture. For the individual, we offer our expertise to help define a career path oriented toward individual success, which looks different for each client. We offer several avenues of approach including online training, consulting, coaching, and speaking. These can be in person or online depending on your vision, needs, and budget.

Servant Leadership Consulting - Management Development Consulting and Training - Coaching - Employee Development Consulting and Training - Change Management Consulting - Career Trajectory Consulting - Human Skill Development - Transformation Consulting - Operations Consulting - Strategy Consulting - Culture Assessment and Strategy Development



The ideal choice if you want a personalized plan for your company or individual career. Using our experience and vision, we will assist in your growth goals. For more tips read our blog.

Online Training

Whether you are independent or a company we can help you grow. See our growing list of online training modules. Short-form and long-form, we have classes that fit your schedule and budget.

Live Events

Bring our team to yours with live webinars, events, training, and coaching. Check our event calendar or schedule your own private event or coaching session.


Servant focused.

Orchard Street Solutions has a root to fruit methodology with our tap root being a servant focused leadership model. We have found that the best way to lead people is to serve them, surrounding them with a success focused environment. All of our services - from team operations consulting to 1-1 career coaching - are firmly rooted in the servant focused model of leadership. Whether you are developing a floor layout or working on corporate culture strategy, the human element will be involved. Therefore all elements of business must account for interpersonal relationships. Through years of trial and error, we have found a servant centered leadership approach brings the sweetest fruit at harvest.

Adam Lough - Owner

Chief Consultant - MBA

About the owner

Growing up in the mountains of West Virginia made me into the man I am today. There, I learned how to love people, have conversations to pass time, work hard, serve others, and survive in the wild. Working at the world renowned Greenbrier Resort in the Service Quality and Training department taught me how to serve both fellow employees and customers. I love God and my country and in service to both I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 2011. After being honorably discharged in 2016 I began my career in the manufacturing industry at a Fortune 500 defense manufacturing corporation where I have been a Manufacturing General Manager, Production Control Manager, and Global Supply Chain Operations Manager.

My desire is to help companies create amazing work environments for their employees which in turn will create much more value for those companies. This could come in the form of better working conditions with more streamlined processes or it may come through management training that leads managers to serve their teams. I want to leverage my previous successes to make plans for your future ones.

I love helping people achieve their own personal vision of success. Whether this is becoming owner of your own company, working as a park ranger, becoming a teacher, or designing the next fuel cell, I want to help you define your career or life goal and create a pathway to get you there. We can use your values, interests, and skills to hone in on a career that fits you personally, rather than you trying to fit yourself into a career.

To my fellow West Virginians: I am looking to work with individuals and companies from Portland, Oregon to Portland, Maine - but my heart is still in the mountains of West Virginia. If you currently reside in the Mountain State or if you serve the people of West Virginia by owning a business or contributing to the economy please email me to set up a time for us to discuss a way we can work together for the good of West Virginia and West Virginians.

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